, exporter)

Write a forecast array into a file.

The written dataset has dimensions (num_ens_members,num_timesteps,shape[0],shape[1]), where shape refers to the shape of the two-dimensional forecast grids. If the exporter was initialized with incremental!=None, the array is appended to the existing dataset either along the ensemble member or time axis.

exporter : dict

An exporter object created with any initialization method implemented in

F : array_like

The array to write. The required shape depends on the choice of the ‘incremental’ parameter the exporter was initialized with:

incremental required shape
None (num_ens_members,num_timesteps,shape[0],shape[1])
‘timestep’ (num_ens_members,shape[0],shape[1])
‘member’ (num_timesteps,shape[0],shape[1])