
Methods for plotting precipitation and motion fields.


Functions to produce animations for pysteps.

animate(R_obs[, nloops, timestamps, R_fct, …]) Function to animate observations and forecasts in pysteps.


Functions to plot motion fields.

quiver(UV[, ax, map, geodata, …]) Function to plot a motion field as arrows.
streamplot(UV[, ax, map, geodata, …]) Function to plot a motion field as streamlines.


Methods for plotting precipitation fields.

plot_precip_field(R[, type, map, geodata, …]) Function to plot a precipitation intensity or probability field with a colorbar.
get_colormap(type[, units, colorscale]) Function to generate a colormap (cmap) and norm.


Methods for plotting Fourier spectra.

plot_spectrum1d(fft_freq, fft_power[, …]) Function to plot in log-log a radially averaged Fourier spectrum.


Miscellaneous utility functions for the visualization module.

parse_proj4_string(proj4str) Construct a dictionary from a PROJ.4 projection string.
proj4_to_basemap(proj4str) Convert a PROJ.4 projection string into a dictionary that can be expanded as keyword arguments to mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap.__init__.
proj4_to_cartopy(proj4str) Convert a PROJ.4 projection string into a Cartopy coordinate reference system (crs) object.
reproject_geodata(geodata, t_proj4str[, …]) Reproject geodata and optionally create a grid in a new projection.