
Methods for post-processing of forecasts.


Methods for the computation of ensemble statistics.

mean(X[, ignore_nan, X_thr]) Compute the mean value from a forecast ensemble field.
excprob(X, X_thr[, ignore_nan]) For a given forecast ensemble field, compute exceedance probabilities for the given intensity thresholds.


Methods for matching the probability distribution of two data sets.

compute_empirical_cdf(bin_edges, hist) Compute an empirical cumulative distribution function from the given histogram.
nonparam_match_empirical_cdf(R, R_trg) Matches the empirical CDF of the initial array with the empirical CDF of a target array.
pmm_init(bin_edges_1, cdf_1, bin_edges_2, cdf_2) Initialize a probability matching method (PMM) object from binned cumulative distribution functions (CDF).
pmm_compute(pmm, x) For a given PMM object and x-coordinate, compute the probability matched value (i.e.
shift_scale(R, f, rain_fraction_trg, …) Find shift and scale that is needed to return the required second_moment and rain area.