
pysteps.extrapolation.interface.eulerian_persistence(precip, velocity, timesteps, outval=nan, **kwargs)

A dummy extrapolation method to apply Eulerian persistence to a two-dimensional precipitation field. The method returns the a sequence of the same initial field with no extrapolation applied (i.e. Eulerian persistence).

precip : array-like

Array of shape (m,n) containing the input precipitation field. All values are required to be finite.

velocity : array-like

Not used by the method.

timesteps : int or list

Number of time steps or a list of time steps.

outval : float, optional

Not used by the method.

out : array or tuple

If return_displacement=False, return a sequence of the same initial field of shape (num_timesteps,m,n). Otherwise, return a tuple containing the replicated fields and a (2,m,n) array of zeros.

Other Parameters:
return_displacement : bool

If True, return the total advection velocity (displacement) between the initial input field and the advected one integrated along the trajectory. Default : False


[GZ2002] Germann et al (2002)