
Implementation of miscellaneous utility functions.


Interface for the utils module.

get_method(name, \*\*kwargs) Return a callable function for the utility method corresponding to the given name.


Utility methods for creating and processing arrays.

compute_centred_coord_array(M, N) Compute a 2D coordinate array, where the origin is at the center.


Data cleansing routines for pysteps.

decluster(coord, input_array, scale[, …]) Decluster a set of sparse data points by aggregating, that is, taking the median value of all values lying within a certain distance (i.e., a cluster).
detect_outliers(input_array, thr[, coord, …]) Detect outliers in a (multivariate and georeferenced) dataset.


Methods for converting physical units.

to_rainrate(R, metadata[, zr_a, zr_b]) Convert to rain rate [mm/h].
to_raindepth(R, metadata[, zr_a, zr_b]) Convert to rain depth [mm].
to_reflectivity(R, metadata[, zr_a, zr_b]) Convert to reflectivity [dBZ].


Functions to manipulate array dimensions.

aggregate_fields_time(R, metadata, …[, …]) Aggregate fields in time.
aggregate_fields_space(R, metadata, space_window) Upscale fields in space.
aggregate_fields(R, window_size[, axis, method]) Aggregate fields.
clip_domain(R, metadata[, extent]) Clip the field domain by geographical coordinates.
square_domain(R, metadata[, method, inverse]) Either pad or crop a field to obtain a square domain.


Interface module for different FFT methods.

get_numpy(shape[, fftn_shape])
get_scipy(shape[, fftn_shape])
get_pyfftw(shape[, fftn_shape, n_threads])


Image processing routines for pysteps.

ShiTomasi_detection(input_image[, …]) Interface to the OpenCV Shi-Tomasi features detection method to detect corners in an image.
morph_opening(input_image, thr, n) Filter out small scale noise on the image by applying a binary morphological opening, that is, erosion followed by dilation.


Interpolation routines for pysteps.

rbfinterp2d(coord, input_array, xgrid, ygrid) Fast 2-D grid interpolation of a sparse (multivariate) array using a radial basis function.


Utility methods for processing and analyzing precipitation fields in the Fourier domain.

corrcoef(X, Y, shape[, use_full_fft]) Compute the correlation coefficient between two-dimensional arrays in the spectral domain.
mean(X, shape) Compute the mean value of a two-dimensional array in the spectral domain.
rapsd(Z[, fft_method, return_freq, d, normalize]) Compute radially averaged power spectral density (RAPSD) from the given 2D input field.
remove_rain_norain_discontinuity(R) Function to remove the rain/no-rain discontinuity.
std(X, shape[, use_full_fft]) Compute the standard deviation of a two-dimensional array in the spectral domain.


Implementations of window functions for computing of the FFT.

compute_mask_window_function(mask, func, …) Compute window function for a two-dimensional area defined by a non-rectangular mask.
compute_window_function(m, n, func, \*\*kwargs) Compute window function for a two-dimensional rectangular region.


Methods for transforming data values.

boxcox_transform(R[, metadata, Lambda, …]) The one-parameter Box-Cox transformation.
dB_transform(R[, metadata, threshold, …]) Methods to transform precipitation intensities to/from dB units.
NQ_transform(R[, metadata, inverse]) The normal quantile transformation as in Bogner et al (2012).
sqrt_transform(R[, metadata, inverse]) Square-root transform.