
pysteps.postprocessing.ensemblestats.excprob(X, X_thr, ignore_nan=False)#

For a given forecast ensemble field, compute exceedance probabilities for the given intensity thresholds.

  • X (array_like) – Array of shape (k, m, n, …) containing an k-member ensemble of forecasts with shape (m, n, …).

  • X_thr (float or a sequence of floats) – Intensity threshold(s) for which the exceedance probabilities are computed.

  • ignore_nan (bool) – If True, ignore nan values.


out – Array of shape (len(X_thr), m, n) containing the exceedance probabilities for the given intensity thresholds. If len(X_thr)=1, the first dimension is dropped.

Return type:
