.. _testing_pysteps: =============== Testing pysteps =============== The pysteps distribution includes a small test suite for some of the modules. To run the tests the `pytest `__ package is needed. To install it, in a terminal run:: pip install pytest Automatic testing ================= The simplest way to run the pysteps' test suite is using tox and the tox-conda plugin (conda needed). To install these packages activate your conda development environment and run:: conda install -c conda-forge tox tox-conda Then, to run the tests, from the repo's root run:: tox # Run pytests tox -e install # Test package installation tox -e black # Test for black formatting warnings Manual testing ============== Example data ------------ The build-in tests require the pysteps example data installed. See the installation instructions in the :ref:`example_data` section. Test an installed package ------------------------- After the package is installed, you can launch the test suite from any directory by running:: pytest --pyargs pysteps Test from sources ----------------- Before testing the package directly from the sources, we need to build the extensions in-place. To do that, from the root pysteps folder run:: python setup.py build_ext -i Now, the package sources can be tested in-place using the **pytest** command on the root of the pysteps source directory. E.g.:: pytest -v --tb=line