
pysteps.utils.interpolate.rbfinterp2d(xy_coord, values, xgrid, ygrid, **kwargs)

Radial basis function interpolation of a sparse (multivariate) array.

This method wraps the scipy.interpolate.Rbf class.

xy_coord: ndarray_

Array of shape (n, 2) containing the coordinates of the data points in a 2-dimensional space.

values: ndarray_

Array of shape (n) or (n, m) containing the values of the data points, where n is the number of data points and m the number of co-located variables. All values in values are required to be finite.

xgrid, ygrid: ndarray_

1-D arrays representing the coordinates of the 2-D output grid.

output_array: ndarray

The interpolated field(s) having shape (ygrid.size, xgrid.size) or (m, ygrid.size, xgrid.size).

Other Parameters
Any of the parameters from the original `scipy.interpolate.Rbf`_ class.
nchunks: int, optional

Split and process the destination grid in nchunks. Useful for large grids to limit the memory footprint.