
pysteps.visualization.precipfields.get_colormap(type, units='mm/h', colorscale='pysteps')

Function to generate a colormap (cmap) and norm.

type{‘intensity’, ‘depth’, ‘prob’}, optional

Type of the map to plot: ‘intensity’ = precipitation intensity field, ‘depth’ = precipitation depth (accumulation) field, ‘prob’ = exceedance probability field.

units{‘mm/h’, ‘mm’, ‘dBZ’}, optional

Units of the input array. If type is ‘prob’, this specifies the unit of the intensity threshold.

colorscale{‘pysteps’, ‘STEPS-BE’, ‘BOM-RF3’}, optional

Which colorscale to use. Applicable if units is ‘mm/h’, ‘mm’ or ‘dBZ’.

cmapColormap instance


normcolors.Normalize object

Colors norm

clevs: list(float)

List of precipitation values defining the color limits.

clevsStr: list(str)

List of precipitation values defining the color limits (with correct number of decimals).