
pysteps.visualization.basemaps.plot_geography(proj4str, extent, lw=0.5, drawlonlatlines=False, drawlonlatlabels=True, **kwargs)

Plot geographical map using cartopy in a chosen projection.

proj4str: str

The PROJ.4-compatible projection string.

extent: scalars (left, right, bottom, top)

The bounding box in proj4str coordinates.

lw: float, optional

Linewidth of the map (administrative boundaries and coastlines).

drawlonlatlines: bool, optional

If set to True, draw longitude and latitude lines.

drawlonlatlabels: bool, optional

If set to True, draw longitude and latitude labels. Valid only if ‘drawlonlatlines’ is True.

ax: fig Axes_

Cartopy axes.

Other Parameters
plot_map: {‘cartopy’, None}, optional

The type of basemap, either ‘cartopy’ or None. If None, the figure axis is returned without any basemap drawn. Default 'cartopy'.

scale: {‘10m’, ‘50m’, ‘110m’}, optional

The scale (resolution). Applicable if ‘plot_map’ is ‘cartopy’. The available options are ‘10m’, ‘50m’, and ‘110m’. Default '50m'.

subplot: tuple of int (nrows, ncols, index) or SubplotSpec_ instance, optional

The subplot where to plot the basemap. By the default, the basemap will replace the current axis.