
pysteps.downscaling.rainfarm.downscale(precip, alpha=None, ds_factor=16, threshold=None, return_alpha=False)

Downscale a rainfall field by a given factor.

precip: array_like

Array of shape (m,n) containing the input field. The input is expected to contain rain rate values.

alpha: float, optional

Spectral slope. If none, the slope is estimated from the input array.

ds_factor: int, optional

Downscaling factor.

threshold: float, optional

Set all values lower than the threshold to zero.

return_alpha: bool, optional

Whether to return the estimated spectral slope alpha.

r: array_like

Array of shape (m*ds_factor,n*ds_factor) containing the downscaled field.

alpha: float

Returned only when return_alpha=True.


Currently, the pysteps implementation of RainFARM only covers spatial downscaling. That is, it can improve the spatial resolution of a rainfall field. However, unlike the original algorithm from Rebora et al. (2006), it cannot downscale the temporal dimension.

