
pysteps.visualization.utils.get_geogrid(nlat, nlon, geodata=None)

Get the geogrid data. If geodata is None, a regular grid is returned. In this case, it is assumed that the origin of the 2D input data is the upper left corner (“upper”).

nlat: int

Number of grid points along the latitude axis

nlon: int

Number of grid points along the longitude axis


geodata: dictionary or None Optional dictionary containing geographical information about the field.

If geodata is not None, it must contain the following key-value pairs:




PROJ.4-compatible projection definition


x-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the data raster


y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the data raster


x-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the data raster


y-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the data raster


a string specifying the location of the first element in the data raster w.r.t. y-axis: ‘upper’ = upper border, ‘lower’ = lower border

x_grid: 2D array

X grid with dimensions of (nlat, nlon) with the same y-origin as the one specified in the geodata (or “upper” if geodata is None).

y_grid: 2D array

Y grid with dimensions of (nlat, nlon) with the same y-origin as the one specified in the geodata (or “upper” if geodata is None).

extent: tuple

Four-element tuple specifying the extent of the domain according to (lower left x, upper right x, lower left y, upper right y).

regular_grid: bool

True is the grid is regular. False otherwise.

origin: str

Place the [0, 0] index of the array to plot in the upper left or lower left corner of the axes.