
pysteps.visualization.motionfields.streamplot(uv_motion_field, ax=None, geodata=None, axis='on', streamplot_kwargs=None, map_kwargs=None, step=20)

Function to plot a motion field as streamlines. Wrapper for pysteps.visualization.motionfields.motion_plot() passing plot_type=”streamplot”.

uv_motion_field: array-like

Array of shape (2, m,n) containing the input motion field.

streamplot_kwargs: dict, optional

Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the quiver method. This argument is passed to See the streamplot_doc matplotlib’s documentation.

out: axis object

Figure axes. Needed if one wants to add e.g. text inside the plot.

Other Parameters
See :py:func:`pysteps.visualization.motionfields.motion_plot`.