, qty='ACRR', accutime=5.0, pixelsize=1.0, **kwargs)

Import a precipitation or reflectivity field (and optionally the quality field) from a HDF5 file conforming to the KNMI Data Centre specification.

filename : str

Name of the file to import.

qty :

The quantity to read from the file. The currently supported identifiers are: ‘ACRR’=hourly rainfall accumulation (mm) and ‘DBZH’=max-reflectivity (dBZ). The default value is ‘ACRR’.

accutime : float

The accumulation time of the dataset in minutes. A 5 min accumulation is used as default, but hourly, daily and monthly accumulations are also available.

pixelsize: float

The pixel size of a raster cell in kilometers. The default value for the KNMI datasets is a 1 km grid cell size, but datasets with 2.4 km pixel size are also available.

out : tuple

A three-element tuple containing precipitation accumulation [mm] / reflectivity [dBZ] of the KNMI product, the associated quality field and metadata. The quality field is currently set to None.

Other Parameters:
dtype : str

Data-type to which the array is cast. Valid values: “float32”, “float64”, “single”, and “double”.

fillna : float or np.nan

Value used to represent the missing data (“No Coverage”). By default, np.nan is used.


Every KNMI data type has a slightly different naming convention. The standard setup is based on the accumulated rainfall product on 1 km2 spatial and 5 min temporal resolution. See for a list of all available KNMI radar data.