
Methods for verification of deterministic, probabilistic and ensemble forecasts.


Interface for the verification module.

get_method(name[, type]) Return a callable function for the method corresponding to the given verification score.


Forecast evaluation and skill scores for deterministic categorial (dichotomous) forecasts.

det_cat_fct(pred, obs, thr[, scores, axis]) Calculate simple and skill scores for deterministic categorical (dichotomous) forecasts.
det_cat_fct_init(thr[, axis]) Initialize a contingency table object.
det_cat_fct_accum(contab, pred, obs) Accumulate the frequency of “yes” and “no” forecasts and observations in the contingency table.
det_cat_fct_compute(contab[, scores]) Compute simple and skill scores for deterministic categorical (dichotomous) forecasts from a contingency table object.


Forecast evaluation and skill scores for deterministic continuous forecasts.

det_cont_fct(pred, obs[, scores, axis, …]) Calculate simple and skill scores for deterministic continuous forecasts.
det_cont_fct_init([axis, conditioning]) Initialize a verification error object.
det_cont_fct_accum(err, pred, obs) Accumulate the forecast error in the verification error object.
det_cont_fct_compute(err[, scores]) Compute simple and skill scores for deterministic continuous forecasts from a verification error object.


Evaluation and skill scores for ensemble forecasts.

ensemble_skill(X_f, X_o, metric, \*\*kwargs) Compute mean ensemble skill for a given skill metric.
ensemble_spread(X_f, metric, \*\*kwargs) Compute mean ensemble spread for a given skill metric.
rankhist(X_f, X_o[, X_min, normalize]) Compute a rank histogram counts and optionally normalize the histogram.
rankhist_init(num_ens_members[, X_min]) Initialize a rank histogram object.
rankhist_accum(rankhist, X_f, X_o) Accumulate forecast-observation pairs to the given rank histogram.
rankhist_compute(rankhist[, normalize]) Return the rank histogram counts and optionally normalize the histogram.


Estimation of precipitation lifetime from a decaying verification score function (e.g. autocorrelation function).

lifetime(X_s, X_t[, rule]) Compute the average lifetime by integrating the correlation function as a function of lead time.
lifetime_init([rule]) Initialize a lifetime object.
lifetime_accum(lifetime, X_s, X_t) Compute the lifetime by integrating the correlation function and accumulate the result into the given lifetime object.
lifetime_compute(lifetime) Compute the average value from the lifetime object.


Methods for plotting verification results.

plot_intensityscale(iss[, fig, vmin, vmax, …]) Plot a intensity-scale verification table with a color bar and axis labels.
plot_rankhist(rankhist[, ax]) Plot a rank histogram.
plot_reldiag(reldiag[, ax]) Plot a reliability diagram.
plot_ROC(ROC[, ax, opt_prob_thr]) Plot a ROC curve.


Evaluation and skill scores for probabilistic forecasts.

CRPS(X_f, X_o) Compute the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS).
CRPS_init() Initialize a CRPS object.
CRPS_accum(CRPS, X_f, X_o) Compute the average continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) for a set of forecast ensembles and the corresponding observations and accumulate the result to the given CRPS object.
CRPS_compute(CRPS) Compute the averaged values from the given CRPS object.
reldiag(P_f, X_o, X_min[, n_bins, min_count]) Compute the x- and y- coordinates of the points in the reliability diagram.
reldiag_init(X_min[, n_bins, min_count]) Initialize a reliability diagram object.
reldiag_accum(reldiag, P_f, X_o) Accumulate the given probability-observation pairs into the reliability diagram.
reldiag_compute(reldiag) Compute the x- and y- coordinates of the points in the reliability diagram.
ROC_curve(P_f, X_o, X_min[, n_prob_thrs, …]) Compute the ROC curve and its area from the given ROC object.
ROC_curve_init(X_min[, n_prob_thrs]) Initialize a ROC curve object.
ROC_curve_accum(ROC, P_f, X_o) Accumulate the given probability-observation pairs into the given ROC object.
ROC_curve_compute(ROC[, compute_area]) Compute the ROC curve and its area from the given ROC object.


Skill scores for spatial forecasts.

intensity_scale(X_f, X_o, name, thrs[, …]) Compute an intensity-scale verification score.
intensity_scale_init(name, thrs[, scales, …]) Initialize an intensty-scale verification object.
intensity_scale_accum(intscale, X_f, X_o) Compute and update the intensity-scale verification scores.
intensity_scale_compute(intscale) Return the intensity scale matrix.
binary_mse(X_f, X_o, thr[, wavelet]) Compute an intensity-scale verification as the MSE of the binary error.
fss(X_f, X_o, thr, scale) Compute the fractions skill score (FSS) for a deterministic forecast field and the corresponding observation.